October 31, 2012

Undead Astronauts....

What happens to the Astronauts on the International Space Station during the Apocalypse?
Mohawk guy from NASA/JPL and the Curiosity Mars Rover Team knows the answer.
Enjoy the Talking Dead. A Walking Dead after party.

October 29, 2012

Episode 3, The Walking Dead

Walking Dead S:3 | E:3 | Walk With Me. AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

Walking Dead's favorite Meth Powered Nazi Merle Dixon returned with a new little friend.
Andrea is officially a power groupie.
What is the deal with the Tea?
The Governor found a replacement for television.
Where was Rick Grimes? Is Carl's ability to disappear genetic...

October 27, 2012

American Zombie Invasion or Military Take Over?

CIC Zombie Response Brigade
Called "Zombie Apocalypse," the exercise follows the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's campaign launched last year that urged Americans to get ready for a zombie apocalypse, as part of a catchy, public health message about the importance of emergency preparedness.

Defense analyst Loren Thompson agrees. "The defining characteristics of zombies are that they're unpredictable and resilient. That may be a good way to prepare for what the Pentagon calls asymmetric warfare," Thompson said.

San Diego-based Halo Corp. founded by former military special ops and intelligence personnel has been hosting the annual counterterrorism summit since 2006. The five-day Halo counterterrorism summit is an approved training event by the Homeland Security Grant Program and the Urban Areas Security Initiative, which provide funds to pay for the coursework on everything from the battleground tactics to combat wounds to cybersecurity. The summit has a $1,000 registration fee and runs Oct. 29-Nov 2.

Read more at: Marines, police prep for mock zombie invasion

October 17, 2012

Discuss TWD "Seed", Season 3, Episode 1

Join in with the crew from After Buzz and the Talking Dead to discuss "The Walking Dead". Explosive, Shocking and Fulfilling tend to be the most common comments.

What was your impression of the season opener in our favorite zombie drama?