July 5, 2012

Pyramids in Bermuda's Triangle



Even Leonard Nemoy has asked the Question. Why are our governments not investigating the vast amount of evidence supporting the theory that advanced ancient civilizations existed?
Even the ancient Chinese knew about these cultures. Master Li Hongzhi in Zhuan Falun is said to have an explanation of the discovery of a prehistoric civilization as follows:

               “On earth there are continents of Asia, Europe, South America, North America,
                Oceania, Africa and the continent of Antarctica, which scientists in general geology
                called ‘continental plates’. Since the formation of continental plates until seakrang,
                there are already tens of millions of years of history. It can be said also that many
                mainland from the ocean floor that rises to the top, there are also a lot of land that
                sank to the seabed, since this condition is stable until the situation is now, already
                historic tens of millions of years."

                But in many sea floor, has found a number of large high buildings with exquisite
                carvings, and not from the cultural heritage of modern mankind, so surely the
                building that was created before he sank to the bottom of the sea. “

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