November 21, 2011

Walking Dead Talking Dead After Show 11/20/2011

Carl Grimes, 40th season of the Walking Dead
The 2d Amendment, Walker Bait and Chicken Tartar
Kevin Smith and Paul F Tompkins joined Chris Hardwick for this week's after show segment. This week's episode introduced quite a few character development twists and a whole lot of trivia points. We learned for a fact the reason fat people never survive a zombie apocalypse....

Darryl quote of the week: To Andrea "We are good but next time you shoot me. You etter make sure I am dead"

Here is this week's list of memorable moments.
  • Zombies eat crippled chicken raw.
  • Charleton Heston and the NRA are doing back flips over this episode for 2nd amendment rights. We know Heston is RIP but this is the Zombie Walking Dead world after all...........
  • Some people cannot keep secrets.
  • Some people refuse to listen to reason.
  • Some people cannot keep their nose out of other folks business.
  • New Zombie Terminology "Walker Bait" defined.
  • Morning After pills don't work months later.
  • Zombies are people too.
  • Head shooting Zombies is an aphrodisiac.
  • Shane is truly a dickhead self centered sociopath.
  • Bottomless piles of ammo.
  • Gerber made one heck of a product placement deal.
Here is a new Walking Dead podcast which is published right after the show. With a limit of 15 minutes, decent production quality and knowledgeable reviewers it is worth a listen.

Watch the AMC TV Walking Dead after show below.

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