July 14, 2013

Pacific Rim Rocks, Godzilla and Friends on Steroids

I have no idea what the early pressers were talking about but Pacific Rim is awesome.
This is no "War and Peace" folks, there is little to no character development, but this is not a movie about characters. Hence the ending. This is a completely new franchise not limited by toy sales, existing universe or beloved characters that cannot die. This is pure awesome in a film can.

This is a movie about gigantic monsters climbing up from the bottom of the ocean and stomping the major cities and population centers along the Pacific rim. Forget the laws of physics, military tactics or wormhole mechanics. This is a movie that has baby godzillas, space ticks, blue plasma acid blood, space EMPs, nuclear powered giant battle mechs and the latest in deep sea escape pod technology. This is 1950s Godzilla, 1960s Ultraman, 1970s Hulk and 1980s Robotech all rolled into one giant Burrito of clobbering time in the Octagon formerly known as Hong Kong. This is the ultimate homage to all things fanboy, anime, Kaiju,  and GI Joe cartoons.

GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW IN A THEATER!!!! Pacific Rim is fully deserving of a watch while wrapped in the full glory of its IMAX HD CGI with a massive sub woofer.

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