Showing posts with label Movie Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Review. Show all posts

April 19, 2020

B9 & Destroy All Planets

A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: The Robinson Robot from Lost in Space. Movie: 1968’s Destroy All Planets

May 30, 2015

Paint Sniffing War Boys on Mad Max Fury Road

FYI, the Warboys are Paint Sniffers aka "Huffers". It was a huge problem back in the 70's when Miller was a practicing Doctor. Huffing causes the scarring around the mouth and destroys the nasal cavity. Not to mention turning you into a psychotic drone.

May 4, 2014

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt, addressing Congress and the American people on Dec. 8, 1941. More than 65 years after President Roosevelt’s timeless announcement, it is easy for us to regard America’s entry into World War II as inevitable. But before Roosevelt spoke those words, the average American would have defined himself as determinedly isolationist. If World War I had taught Americans anything, it was that intervention overseas was a waste of lives and resources. The conflict looming in Europe throughout the 1930s was a problem, but not one he saw as his to solve. All that changed on Dec. 7, 1941. With the attack on Pearl Harbor, it became apparent that the United States’ role in the war was to be an active one, and the national state of denial was crushed. America needed a massive propaganda effort to get a rattled public to move to support intervention as quickly as possible, and every branch of media would have to be involved—including the redheaded stepchild of the film industry: the animated cartoon. Golden age of animation

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

(Via Louisville Independent Political News and Commentary.)

July 14, 2013

Pacific Rim Rocks, Godzilla and Friends on Steroids

I have no idea what the early pressers were talking about but Pacific Rim is awesome.
This is no "War and Peace" folks, there is little to no character development, but this is not a movie about characters. Hence the ending. This is a completely new franchise not limited by toy sales, existing universe or beloved characters that cannot die. This is pure awesome in a film can.

This is a movie about gigantic monsters climbing up from the bottom of the ocean and stomping the major cities and population centers along the Pacific rim. Forget the laws of physics, military tactics or wormhole mechanics. This is a movie that has baby godzillas, space ticks, blue plasma acid blood, space EMPs, nuclear powered giant battle mechs and the latest in deep sea escape pod technology. This is 1950s Godzilla, 1960s Ultraman, 1970s Hulk and 1980s Robotech all rolled into one giant Burrito of clobbering time in the Octagon formerly known as Hong Kong. This is the ultimate homage to all things fanboy, anime, Kaiju,  and GI Joe cartoons.

GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW IN A THEATER!!!! Pacific Rim is fully deserving of a watch while wrapped in the full glory of its IMAX HD CGI with a massive sub woofer.

June 15, 2012

Prometheus, Stupid by Jeff Foxworthy Standards

$1 Trillion for Windows 7 in 2093? Government Contracts.
Ridley Scott will probably win a dozen Academy Awards for his blockbuster SYFY adventure "Prometheus".  However, after scanning dozens of message boards and World of Warcraft forums the voting for Jeff Foxworthy's "Stupid of the Year" Award will most definitely go to the highest educated crew of "Space Truckers" in movie history. Here is a sample of just a few issues hard core Alien franchise fans have with Dr. Shaw and Ms. "Lap Dance" Vickers.

Moments of Prometheus Crew stupidity: 
- PHD in Geology and Geography getting lost despite making the master map.
- PHD in Biology responds to aggressive snake with a vagina for a face by trying to pet it.
- The crew splitting up within hours of landing on an hostile planet.
- The crew on the ship not bothering to monitor the two stranded team members.
- The ship's crew not monitoring local weather activity at regular intervals.
- Waking up the 2000 year old 10 foot tall sleeping giant and asking a stupidly selfish question straight off without even a "Howdy, want some juice?"
- The captain for opening the ramp for "Fifield". Prometheus had cameras for the ramp. The captain could quite clearly see that something wasn't right.
- Shaw making a big speech about how the expedition was for science, and insisting no weapons should be taken into the really big scary ancient building on a strange planet 3 trillion miles from home.
- Holloway covering up his illness and the crew for trying to let him back onboard.
"We need a bigger boat"
- The crew trying to touch things (what the hell, Chance?). In the original expedition, Shaw even had to tell them not to play with the big, ominuous looking canisters.
- Being completely oblivious to David's actions. Yeah, it's ok they missed him setting off the ghost-like images, but how did they not notice him crouching over that canister? Plus, the crew up in the ship was supposedly monitoring his cameras.
- Playing with an alien head while wearing only a face mask, some latex gloves, and a hair net thing. and...
- Not one single orbital pass to map the planet.
- Not one Probe or Orbiter to test the atmosphere.
- The Captain of the ship ceding complete control to a Corporate VP.
- No government involvement at all whatsoever in the largest deep space exploration to date?
- No First Contact protocols or containment procedures.
- Sticking the 2000 year old, amazingly well preserved, over size head with a cattle prod and shocking it. Kind of like a Jeff Foxworthy poke it with a stick in the south joke.
- Not one fly by to examine the outside of the facility.
- Surgical Pod sophisticated enough to do super fast advanced surgical procedures not be programmed to work on females.
- Skin tight spacesuits that Vickers can put on, seal and lock in less than thirty seconds while hyperventilating.
- Fifield smokes pot in his helmet.
- Ford thinks 3% of CO will kill you in a matter of minutes.
- The captain goes to bang Vickers while his men are stranded outside of the ship and there is a "ping" indicating a lifeform.
- The pilot and copilot are Kamikaze Power Rangers.
- Vickers can't run to the left.
- Holloway takes his helmet off. Later after people are dead and sick the whole crew takes them off yet again.
- Not one Hazmat suit in the medical bay for the Head Stick poking incident but full blown 1940s style iron man suits to put the tiny drugged pregnant lady into bed?
- Token guy no 1 listens to Shaw when she says not to carry a gun.
- Token guy no 2 just stares at spiderlike zombie Fiefield.
- Token guys 3,4,5,6... generally just stand there.

Is that enough for a cinematic disaster?


$1 Trillion and eighty years can buy an Aircraft Carrier sized Interstellar Ion Drive Spaceship equipped with hypersleep beds, a dream communication system, and self aware AI grade human looking androids BUT you don't get UAVs, seat belts or Weapons.
Ask about our upgrade program!!!

BTW, Since you forgot to upgrade to the XLT package your away team gets to ride into the most important discovery in human history on the back of an open air dune buggy that any Walmart sells for $300.