Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts

May 4, 2014

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt, addressing Congress and the American people on Dec. 8, 1941. More than 65 years after President Roosevelt’s timeless announcement, it is easy for us to regard America’s entry into World War II as inevitable. But before Roosevelt spoke those words, the average American would have defined himself as determinedly isolationist. If World War I had taught Americans anything, it was that intervention overseas was a waste of lives and resources. The conflict looming in Europe throughout the 1930s was a problem, but not one he saw as his to solve. All that changed on Dec. 7, 1941. With the attack on Pearl Harbor, it became apparent that the United States’ role in the war was to be an active one, and the national state of denial was crushed. America needed a massive propaganda effort to get a rattled public to move to support intervention as quickly as possible, and every branch of media would have to be involved—including the redheaded stepchild of the film industry: the animated cartoon. Golden age of animation

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

(Via Louisville Independent Political News and Commentary.)

August 25, 2013


Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Kevin Smith could soon be reunited to rule the DC universe!!!!! 

To be honest EA has a really great take on what is going on over at WB and DC. Three comic book lovers with serious street creed as Oscar winning, or nominated, actors, directors, producers bringing the Justice League together…. With Affleck playing Batman he has the juice to at a minimum pull together a script and lay a course for the long term future of the franchise. Lets be honest the guy is built like Batman, dresses like Bruce Wayne and quietly underplays his characters like a dark Ninja. Kevin Smith has written close to a hundred comics, graphic novels and screen plays for DC characters. Matt Damon has hollywood juice, action movie experience and writing skills second to none. Remember "Good Will Hunting"?

These three life long friends are true comic geeks and a collaboration to create a universe and JLA to battle heads up with JJ's Star Trek/Wars juggernaut and Marvels Joss Wheadon led phased Avengers GOTG invasion. I won't hold my breath but I will say my prayers.

Note: Purchase all available domains for Jay and Silent Bob's "Fatman and Bobbin" ASAP...

PS, "Dare Devil" was not Ben's fault. A panicked studio recut the movie and CGI'd the crap out of it after it was wrapped, closed and submitted for distribution.