Showing posts with label Cold War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold War. Show all posts

May 4, 2014

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt, addressing Congress and the American people on Dec. 8, 1941. More than 65 years after President Roosevelt’s timeless announcement, it is easy for us to regard America’s entry into World War II as inevitable. But before Roosevelt spoke those words, the average American would have defined himself as determinedly isolationist. If World War I had taught Americans anything, it was that intervention overseas was a waste of lives and resources. The conflict looming in Europe throughout the 1930s was a problem, but not one he saw as his to solve. All that changed on Dec. 7, 1941. With the attack on Pearl Harbor, it became apparent that the United States’ role in the war was to be an active one, and the national state of denial was crushed. America needed a massive propaganda effort to get a rattled public to move to support intervention as quickly as possible, and every branch of media would have to be involved—including the redheaded stepchild of the film industry: the animated cartoon. Golden age of animation

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

(Via Louisville Independent Political News and Commentary.)

October 5, 2013

Quiet Dumb Guy explains the NSA

We just had a century full of examples of why this sort of governmental behavior is irresponsible and dangerous. Yet people still hear 'If you have nothing to hide..'. Bullshit. Now, I'm not making a direct comparison to the current state of affairs and the Brownshirts or SS but we did fight two World Wars, the Cold War and a dozen armed conflicts over these same issues. Your average American aka the QDG understands the deal, why don't you?

'First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.' - Martin Niemöller


September 9, 2013

Alien Technology Exploitation Office Challenge Coin

ATEO Challenge Coin
Alien Technology Exploitation Office Challenge Coin - Mil-Mall
"Rumored to have been created after the famous Roswell Incident – which is still officially classified as a crashed weather balloon – the Alien Technology Exploitation Office is allegedly tasked with better understanding alien technology for applications to our nation’s defense. The captured aliens, depicted on the obverse, are not prisoners but vital intelligence assets for our nation’s security.  The reverse features the ‘official’ patch of Area 51, a ‘5 1’ star pattern, proudly worn in secret by all personnel that call this their base of operations.  The base and attached facilities are believed by some to house the latest black ops and covert technology the United States Military has to offer, providing a testing ground for everything from next generation stealth technology to the latest in robotic warfare.

This stone-polished coin has a cloisonné enamel and covert-black nickel finish. This coin celebrates America’s proud clandestine operations heritage and the courageous men and women who make these ULTRA TOP SECRET projects possible. "
(Via Louisville's Independent Media /

July 4, 2012

Baltic Sea UFO shuts off electrical devices.

Members of the Ocean X team exploring an alleged "UFO-shaped" object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea say that their equipment stops working when they approach within 200 meters of the mysterious object.

April 10, 2012

Russian Cold War Experiments in Zombie Reanimation

The Cold War was a strange and terrifying time for both NATO and Warsaw Pact citizens. The arms race between the USA and USSR which raged for over 50 years. The insanity left our world with stockpiles of 100 million plus AK47s, Tons of weapons grade Uranium / Plutonium and deserts full of old B52 Strato-Fortress Nuclear Bombers and at least a half dozen Doomsday themed reality shows. Now that we have begun to actually clean up the mess and recover from the economic implications of a Peacetime economy fueled by Wartime budgets that even our grandchildren will still be paying the interest on.
Thank heaven the Russians never perfected their super secret unstoppable drone soldiers.
This film is narrated in English and is not for the squeamish and probably is not safe for work. It is graphic, gross and completely real.