Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

May 23, 2020


Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer they have kept me sane. Still picking up the pieces of my mind that where blown by your collaboration video. Get some rest and treat Mrs B to some quality time (not saying you don’t! But I know this takes a lot of your precious time)   . Great work as usual, I do love the pre 40k era lore, so no complaints here!!

Rat Lines - The Hunt For Nazi War Criminals Episode 4

How did so many important Nazi war crimes suspects escape to the Middle East and South America after the war? This new series will explain how and the efforts to bring people like Dr. Mengele and Adolf Eichmann to justice.

This is an AUDIO PROGRAMME. For videos, visit Mark Felton Productions:

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Credits: YouTube Creative Commons; WikiCommons; Google Commons; Mark Felton Productions; War Stories with Mark Felton
Music: "Pursuit" licenced to iMovie by Apple, Inc.
People & Blogs

The Cain Letters - Chapter 8 (Audiobook)

#PumpkinQueen #dyslexia

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May 4, 2014

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt, addressing Congress and the American people on Dec. 8, 1941. More than 65 years after President Roosevelt’s timeless announcement, it is easy for us to regard America’s entry into World War II as inevitable. But before Roosevelt spoke those words, the average American would have defined himself as determinedly isolationist. If World War I had taught Americans anything, it was that intervention overseas was a waste of lives and resources. The conflict looming in Europe throughout the 1930s was a problem, but not one he saw as his to solve. All that changed on Dec. 7, 1941. With the attack on Pearl Harbor, it became apparent that the United States’ role in the war was to be an active one, and the national state of denial was crushed. America needed a massive propaganda effort to get a rattled public to move to support intervention as quickly as possible, and every branch of media would have to be involved—including the redheaded stepchild of the film industry: the animated cartoon. Golden age of animation

Wartoons - The History Club - Scout

(Via Louisville Independent Political News and Commentary.)

September 10, 2012

FEMA Zombie Alerts? Really....

US CDC Zombie Poster 2012
GET A KIT, MAKE A PLAN, BE PREPARED!!! Is the official stance of the US government?
Zombies just like the AMC Walking Dead TV show are a huge hit with people and the federal government is tying into the viral movement with its own social media campaign.
FEMA uses its monthly conference call to discuss ZOMBIE Survival?

When the US Government's HSA, FEMA and CDC not only acknowledge but encourage preparation in response to a Zombie uprising my skin starts crawling... Especially when the subtext of the article is that the government will not be able to help for at least 10 days and make no mention of weapons, ammunition or self defense. As in every Romero genre story the government wants you to hide in the basement until "They" can help. Granted there is a bit of liability to worry about but would it hurt to define "Looting", "Property Rights", "Self Defense" and "Deadly Force" in declared emergency situations?

Last year the CDC published a series of tongue in cheek ZOMBIE PANDEMIC blog full of survival tips and educational visual aids at

Available Free from the US Government:
Zombie Uprising Graphic Novel/Comic Book:
Preparedness 101: The Zombie Pandemic

The official US Government Zombie Awareness Poster

July 4, 2012

Baltic Sea UFO shuts off electrical devices.

Members of the Ocean X team exploring an alleged "UFO-shaped" object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea say that their equipment stops working when they approach within 200 meters of the mysterious object.

January 11, 2012

Light Orbs in modern photographs defy explanation?

Art Bell and George Noory love a good mystery. Ghost Hunters International and the other paranormal fact or fiction hunters love hyping and debunking the unexplainable. Well I wish they would take a look at these photographs from the Everyday Adventurer blog taken by the author. The usual explanations seem unable to debunk what these high resolution photographs show.

Are they really dust on the lens or digital pixelation?
I doubt it.

Take a look at the story and let us know what you think. Comments are open and welcome.